Organic Aphonia and Receiving Disability Benefits
Organic Aphonia and Receiving Disability Benefits
In this article we will unpack the definition of Organic Aphonia, as well as discover what (if any) benefits for this common disability you may be entitled to. There are many common disabilities that have the capacity to change the quality of life you experience, as well as alter (however big or small) your daily routine as you know it.
Aphonia literally means "no voice". This is a condition in where you lose your ability to speak. This could include either a partial or complete loss of your use of vocal cords. Your personal reaction to Aphonia could mean that you may not be able to speak at all, or simply have a voice with nothing above a whisper. Aphonia actually is categorized within two seperate groupings:
- Organic Aphonia: resulting from some type of infection, injury or disease
- Functional Aphonia: no discernable physical cause for this condition
While Organic Aphonia may be a result of a physical condition, it could be difficult to identify. Below is a beginning list of possible conditions you could look for:
- inflammation
- disease
- injury
- severe laryngitis
- neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis)
- thyroid or laryngeal cancer
- polyps or nodules on your vocal cords
- breathing problems that affect your ability to speak
- vocal abuse (air pollutants, yelling, excessive talking)
- thickening of your vocal cords
From the beginning of your concern over conditons, it would be wise to seek the medical assistance of a specialist who is detailed and specific to outline you and your unique case with Organic Aphonia. With common disabilities, the United States Social Security Administration is not known for simply granting benefits for pain and suffering, Your detailed and outlined medical file will be the primary key to ensuring your best possible outcome for receiving benefits. You will need to have medical validation that your ability to work is severely hindered, and you will also need to qualify for Social Security base upon the number of quarters you have effectively worked. It is also in your best interest to retain the services of an experienced and professional attorney who is capable of both understanding the law as well as clearly communicating to you the specific details pertaining to your unique casae. It is always best to have confidence in your process and the unknowns to be seen before they become obsticles. Organic Aphonia may be a common disabliity, but your circumstances and personal health are as unique as you. Having the attorney who is on your side and with unlimited resources is going to ensure this process to work in your best possible favor.
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