Neck Arthritis Problems and Disability Benefits
Neck Arthritis Problems and Disability Benefits
In this article we will unpack the definition of Neck Arthritis Problems, and discover what (if any) benefits for this common disability you may be entitled to. There are so many common disabilities that have the capacity to change the quality of life you experience, as well as alter (however big or small) your daily routine as you know it.
By definition, Neck Arthritis is the painful stiffness of the joints or muscles located specifically in the neck. This specific pain can, and often does, lead to many problems within each individual such as:
- muscle strain
- joints that become worn
- nerve compression
- injury
- disease
Some of the most common neck problems that are surfacing on disability applications are due to the following:
- degenerative disk disease
- whiplash
- pinched nerves
- herniated discs
- infections (meningitis, for example)
- inflammatory disorders (arthritis)
- certain types of cancers
Perhaps you have been suffering from a type of pain or discomfort, and have yet to identify the source. There are many symtoms that create neck pain and result in any number of the previous aforementioned problems. Below, you will find a beginning list of symptoms you may be suffering from. This is simply to help you start the journey of identifying your specific issue. As each individual is different, the symptoms will also need to be flexible to reflect those differences. For now, lets take a look at the most common of symptoms as related to the common disability of Neck Arthritis problems:
- numbness
- sharp pain
- shooting pain
- difficulty swallowing
- dizziness
- headache
- pains in the face
- pains in the shoulders
- arm tingling
- arm numbness
Given your pain and suffering, you may be seeking to qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Social Security Insurance (SSI) benefits for your neck pain or problems. However, it is important to note that you will need to qualify through specific requirements of one of the Social Security's official disability listings, or prove that you do not have the capacity to return to work because of the severety of your neck pain or doctor's instructions. This is done through the Social Security's disability listing for disorders of the spine, which specifically addresses many of the causes of neck pain and problems. If you are able to meet the specific requirements of this particular listing, due to the severe problems in your cervical spine, the Social Security will not have to even consider how your neck problems limit your capacity to work or successfully accomplish daily routines and will automatically qualify you for the coverage you are seeking. For this approval, you will need to prove that the nerve root or spinal cord are affected and that you have either:
- spinal nerve root compression pain: limited movement of your spine and muscle weakness with loss of feeling or reflexes in those muscles
- spinal arachnoiditis: a painful disorder caused by inflammation in the spine that requires you to change positions more than once every two hours
It is very likely that should you, or a loved one, be suffering from these symptoms and even have other indications of limitations, that you potentially have the common disability of Neck Arthrisis. While suffering from a common disability may be categorized as such, a common disability, your specific case and struggles will be completely unique to you. This may also directly impact your ability to work and successfully have a normal daily routine. From the onset of your concern of being impacted by Neck Arthritis, it would be in your best interest to retain the services of an experienced and professional lawyer who is well versed in common disabilities, as well as being able to clearly help define your specific case and situation. Generally speaking, the United States Social Security Administration is not known for its sympathy towards those suffering with common disabilities. Ensuring you have a detailed and outlined medical file will be your primary key to ensuring the best possible outcome for receiving benefits. You will need to have medical validation that your ability to work is severely hindered, and you will also need to qualify for Social Security based upon the number of quarters you have effectively worked. It is always best to have confidence in your process, and the unknowns to be seen and understood before they become obstacles. By retaining the services of your attorney, this process is sure to become both manageable and successful.
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