Chrohns Disease and Disability Benefits
In this article we will unpack the definition of Crohn’s Disease, and discover what (if any) benefits for this common disability you may be entitled to. There are so many common disabilities that have the capacity to change the quality of life you experience, as well as alter (however big or small) your daily routine as you know it.
By definition, Crohn’s Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal track from your mouth to your anus. It is caused by a combination of environmental, immune, and bacterial factors through genetically susceptible individuals. Simply stated, Crohn’s Disease causes a chronic inflammatory disorder where the body’s immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract possibly directed at microbial antigens. The body will work on hyper speed to rid itself of all bacteria, even the bacteria that protects from common sickness and disease, making the inflammation the primary source of awareness that something is wrong within the body. This common disease is generally diagnosed based upon the number of findings including (but not limited to):
• biopsy and appearance of the bowel wall
• medical imaging
• description of the disease
Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
The symptoms of Crohn’s Disease can be very long and often specifically related your unique situation, and directly tied to the length of time you have been dealing with this disease. Below we will discover a beginning list of the symptoms you may be facing:
• pain
• inflammation
• fatigue
• fever
• chronic diarrhea
• bowl obstructions
• weight loss
• inability to eat
• chronic abdominal cramping
• nausea
• migrane
At this time, there is no known cure for Crohn’s Disease. Many find that there are some therapies that provide the ability to maintain within the boundaries of this very painful disease. However, for the majority, Crohn’s is a debilitating condition that is uncontrollable, causing such pain that daily routine and function for the basic of tasks becomes impossible. Some even find that surgery is the only option for surviving, due to sever deterioration of the bowls and/or organs, though surgery is highly recommended to be the last resort for each and every person suffering from this disease.
Some of the medical treatments you may face can create its own challenges. In the beginning, some do not see immediate change in their daily routines. However, as the disease progresses, the following has been seen to commonly and drastically change the lifestyle of those suffering with Crohn’s:
• multiple surgeries
• frequent hospital stays
• loss of job
• require to be near a restroom
• high medical bills
• extreme fatigue
• consistent flare up
• routine colonoscopies
• extensive blood work
• prescriptions
It is important to note that being able to afford your medical treatment will be essential for your health, as stress is the number one cause of the body flaring up. Social Security Disability benefits can be part of the solution, providing ongoing monthly income that helps to offset your expenses and your worries.
It is very likely that should you, or a loved one, be suffering from these symptoms and even have other indications of limitations, that you potentially have the common disability of Crohn’s Disease. While suffering from a common disability may be categorized as such, a common disability, your specific case and struggles will be completely unique to you. This may also directly impact your ability to work and successfully have a normal daily routine. From the onset of your concern of being impacted by Crohn’s Disease, it would be in your best interest to retain the services of an experienced and professional lawyer who is well versed in common disabilities, as well as being able to clearly help define your specific case and situation. Generally speaking, the United States Social Security Administration is not known for its sympathy towards those suffering with common disabilities. Ensuring you have a detailed and outlined medical file will be your primary key to ensuring the best possible outcome for receiving benefits. You will need to have medical validation that your ability to work is severely hindered, and you will also need to qualify for Social Security based upon the number of quarters you have effectively worked. It is always best to have confidence in your process, and the unknowns to be seen and understood before they become obstacles. By retaining the services of your attorney, this process is sure to become both manageable and successful.
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