The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux
The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux is a premier law firm in New York City, dedicated to providing quality legal services to our clients. Our attorneys are experienced in a wide range of legal areas, and we offer convenient walk-in hours as well as free consultations. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service, and we work tirelessly to provide our clients with the best possible legal solutions.
Immigration lawyer Marjory Cajoux also works with employers and businesses to obtain the work visas that those businesses need to grow and flourish, and she works with foreign-based entrepreneurs and investors who wish to relocate their business to the United States or to invest in a new or ongoing U.S. business.
Don’t wait. No one can predict what tomorrow will bring, so contact a New York estate planning attorney now. New York estate planning lawyer Marjory Cajoux will work with you until the estate planning process is complete, and she will help you review and revise your plan as your life and circumstances change in the future.
The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux
406 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 237-0411
Contact Information
The Law Offices of Marjory Cajoux
Brooklyn, NY 11217