McDavid Law, PLLC
The mission of McDavid Law is to change the world one client at a time through outstanding legal representation. McDavid intends to achieve our mission by protecting our clients from themselves, protecting our client’s futures, and being prepared to litigate the matter against the best lawyers in America. McDavid Law has attorneys trained to practice criminal and/or civil law. The criminal practice of McDavid law consist of DWI/DUIs, District Court criminal matters and Superior Court criminal matters. McDavid law uses proven methods to assist clients accused of violations of North Carolina criminal law in reducing and, in some cases eliminating the negative consequences of criminal violations. The civil practice of McDavid Law consist of landlord-tenant disputes, breach of contract, pre-trial mediation/arbitration, dispute resolution by litigation, homeowners’ association cases and family law matters. The family law section of McDavid Law has a focus on child custody and visitation, simple divorce and some complex divorce.
Business hours: Mon- Fri - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Contact Information
McDavid Law, PLLC
Suite 170-279
Raleigh, NC 27612