D. Tiller Law, PLLC
D. Tiller Law PLLC focuses on intellectual property and technology. We provide legal and technical counsel as an advocate and as a neutral. Our practice includes issues related to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and contracts. Our founder has always been fascinated with applications of technology. This passion resulted in a master's degree in physics. His graduate school research focused on experimental nuclear physics, which included designing sensors and support electronics as well as interpretive algorithms. He later worked as a field engineer in the oil industry from 1995 to 2000. During this time, he used high-technology instruments to determine geophysical properties of wellbore environments. After that, Don Tiller spent 2000 to 2007 in research and development (R&D) as a research scientist and project manager focusing on creating, developing, and acquiring nuclear-physics-based technology. He is the named inventor on five U.S. patents in this area.
Business hours: Mon- Fri - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Contact Information
D. Tiller Law, PLLC
Ste 210
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Website: www.dtillerlawpllc.com