Atlantic iLaw

Atlantic iLaw Profile Picture

Maura J. Kiefer is an experienced appellate, land use, civil litigation, and municipal attorney in Massachusetts and Florida.

After serving as an appointed city attorney in Florida for 11 years, and contract appellate attorney with Florida’s Tenth Judicial Circuit, she established AtlanticiLaw and Appeals to serve citizens and small businesses who migrate back and forth between Massachusetts and Florida.

Clients who move to or from Massachusetts and Florida often find themselves in a quandary due to business, litigation or personal matters that require legal attention from both jurisdictions. Attorney Kiefer serves her customer base with advice and counsel in both States for matters involving a range of areas including:

Domestic Relations

Trusts, Estates and Wills

Local Taxation

Municipal Law

Civil Litigation

Real Estate

Firearms Permits

Civil and Criminal Appeals

Whether you live in Massachusetts or Florida, there may come a time when you need immediate legal advice concerning matters affecting your business or personal life. Our “iLaw Button” is your ready access to direct and cost-effective legal guidance. Just fill out our simple form and send in your question. You will be contacted within 3 hours in most cases.

Practice Area(s):

Contact Information

Atlantic iLaw
3 Webster Square
PMB #321
Marshfield, MA 02050
Phone: 781-264-7786