Tax Settlements

How to settle your tax debt

It's easy to find yourself in trouble with the IRS, considering how complex and continuously changing the US tax code is. When financial disaster strikes, IRS payments may be part of your debt load. With the help of a local, specialized tax attorney, you may be able to work out an IRS settlement.

A tax settlement is an agreement you reach with the IRS to pay current and back taxes through one of the IRS's programs. These programs are based on individual situations and require the taxpayer to be fully compliant with their tax obligations. To be considered compliant, typically the taxpayer must have all past and present tax returns filed and keep current with all on-going payments. Further, the IRS will require tax returns for the past six years (or longer, depending on the case).

If the IRS discovers any anomaly in your case, such as dissipated assets - assets sold just prior to requesting a settlement - they may deny your request for a settlement. Dissipated assets are regarded as assets which could've been sold and used to pay overdue tax debt.

IRS Tax Settlements

  • Offer in Compromise - a settlement agreement where the IRS accepts less than full payment. This happens rarely and must meet certain criteria. Generally speaking, you must prove you either don't actually owe the debt or that you will never be able to pay the full amount owed. For more information about Offer In Compromise please visit

  • Currently Not Collectible Status - occurs when a person is behind in payments and has no ability to pay - such as in undue hardship cases.

If you find yourself unable to pay your taxes, and need legal assistance, contact a Tax Attorney near you to discuss which tax settlement option might be right for you.

Tax Term of the Day

Offer in Compromise

An offer in compromise is one of the programs offered by the Internal Revenue Service to allow someone to satisfy the tax liability owed by paying less than the full balance.

Category: Tax Law

Latest Tax Question

Why am I being Audited by the IRS?

There are certain factors that the IRS looks for on a tax return that can lead the IRS to select a given tax return for an audit. The IRS keeps the exact list of those factors and the formulas it uses to evaluate them a secret.

Category: Tax Law

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