Unemancipated Child
What does Unemancipated Child mean?
An unemanicipated child can include children over the age of 18 who may be attending college, unmarried, not serving in the military, and who have not been declared emancipated by court order or otherwise remains dependent on their parents for support, including child support from the noncustodial parent. Although a child over the age of 18 is no longer considered a minor and has the legal right to vote and serve in the military, this does not mean they are necessarily "emancipated."
Legal emancipation is when an individual finds independence from their parents. This can occur prior to age 18, but the child would have to petition the court for emancipation, which most frequently occurs when an adolescent leave the parents' household by agreement or demand. Until a child has become emancipated the parents may remain responsible for the debts of the child, the child's negligent actions and supporting the child.
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