employment and the workplace
The following terms have been tagged with the keyword employment and the workplace in our glossary.
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH
- Condition Subsequent
- Open-Ended Agreement
- Age Descrimination Employment Act ADEA
- At Will Employment
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act COBRA
- Comparable Worth
- Constructive Discharge
- Employee Assistance Program EAP
- Family Medical Leave Act FMLA
- Hostile working environment
- Implied contract
- Minimum wage
- Noncompetition agreement
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration OSHA
- Sexual harassment
- Whistleblower
- Alternate Dispute Resolution ADR
- Arbitration and Employment Law
- Auxiliary Aids and Services
- Cooperative Store
- Cost of Living Index
- Defined Benefit
- Discretion and Independent Judgment
- Discrimination and Employment Law
- Educational Establishment
- Employment Act
- Enterprise or Recognized Subdivision
- Essential Job Functions
- Fee Basis
- Fringe Benefits
- Management
- Moonlighting
- Nonexempt and Employment Law
- Prevailing Wage
- Primary Duty
- Salary
- Supported Employment
- Tenant Farmer
- Title V of the Rehabilitation Act
- Undue Hardship
- Agency Worker
- Contract of Employment
- Disciplinary Procedure
- Common Exceptions
- Trainee
The following questions have been tagged with the keyword employment and the workplace in our FAQ database.
- Can an employer violate their own policy?
- Employer continually fails to follow a reasonable accomodation that I have on file
- Can an employer just cancel your health insurance with out notice
- How does adultery affect my work?
The following articles have been tagged with the keyword employment and the workplace in our article database.
Lawyers near
Term of the Day
Medical evidence
Medical evidence is information gathered by the SSA from a claimant\'s treating sources.Category: Disability