Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
What does Supplemental Security Income (SSI) mean?
Supplemental Security Income or SSI is a federally administered disability program authorized under Title XVI of the Social Security Act for the aged (65 years or older), the blind or the disabled who are unable to work for at least 12 continuous months. To qualify for SSI applicants must also have very limited resources and income.
Claimants are paid a maximum federal benefit rate but some states add a state supplemental payment to the federal payment. SSI claimants are generally eligible for Medicaid, although some states require a separate application. Unlike SSDI benefits, claimants do not have to work or earn credits to qualify for SSI benefits, and payments are funded through general tax revenues.
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Wage Garnishment
A wage garnishment is a court order allowing an employer to withhold a specified amount of income for repayment for a debt.
Category: bankruptcy