Paternity Testing
What does Paternity Testing mean?
Paternity testing uses genetic testing to determine the biological father of a child. It can also be used to determine if an alleged father is not the biological father. The current method of paternity testing is DNA testing which examines an individual's DNA markers to determine the relationship between two people. The process is very accurate and can establish that the alleged father is the child's biological father with a probability of paternity of 99% or higher.
Paternity testing should be performed in a DNA testing laboratory accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks for the purpose of performing paternity tests. The test can take three to ten business days to complete, and the results are given only to the tested adult and the required authorized agents.
Paternity tests are used in adoption to determine the biological father of the prospective child. Prior to the completion of the adoption it is critical to identify the biological father and make sure they are willing to terminate their parental rights. Only if the biological father willingly terminates their rights can the birthmother, adoptive family, and attorney have true peace of mind that the adoption is final.
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