Divorce Mediation
What does Divorce Mediation mean?
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution technique used to settle a variety of legal conflicts. Divorce mediation can be used to settle conflicts related to divorce such as property distribution and spousal support. In mediation a neutral, third party called a mediator helps both parties try to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to their conflicts.
Mediators do not decide cases, and if an agreement is not reached parties can seek legal help through the courts. Couples who choose mediation can still hire a lawyer who can support the mediation by informing them of their legal rights and options, by advising them through the negotiations, and by coming up with creative settlement ideas. Because mediation is relatively new for divorce some lawyers are less helpful or may disapprove of the mediation process. If you are considering mediation and you have hired a lawyer make sure they understand how to support the process.
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Medical evidence
Medical evidence is information gathered by the SSA from a claimant\'s treating sources.Category: Disability