Accident Date
What does Accident Date mean?
The accident date is the date when a worker is injured due to a work-related accident. The accident date is when the actual event occurred which caused injury, which could be earlier than the date the worker displays symptoms.
Determining the onset date for an occupational disease can be much more difficult than determining the accident date. For example, an occupational disease may occur after repeated, long-term exposure to certain dangerous working conditions. It can be years before an occupational disease develops. In some states, it will be a judge who determines the date of onset for an occupational disease.
If you have been injured at work in a workplace accident it is important to report your injuries immediately. Accidents should be reported even if you are not injured or you do not currently need medical attention. Do not use a "wait and see" approach with a work injury. If you fail to report your accident but later need medical attention, the employer may have the right to legally deny compensation for medical treatment or missed work. Strict internal deadlines exist in many states for reporting accidents. For instance, some states require the work comp accident be reported within 24 hours.
To establish the accident date and to legally protect yourself you need to complete an accident report on the day of injury in the presence of a reliable witness. Use an accident report provided by your employer or your union. Experts also suggest, if you are a union member, to report the accident to your union representative in addition to your employer.
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