Legal terms starting with T
- Tax Bracket
- Tax Credit
- Tax Liability
- Tax Year
- Taxable Income
- Technical Denial
- Temporary Disability
- Temporary Injunction
- Tenant Farmer
- Test Refusal
- Testacy
- Testate
- Testimony
- The 1951 Refugee Convention
- Third Party Lawsuit
- Title V of the Rehabilitation Act
- Title VII
- Tort
- Trademark
- Trademark Act of 1946
- Trademark Attorney
- Trademark Cancellation
- Trademark Opposition
- Trademark Registration
- Trademark Search
- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
- Trainee
- Transnational Migrants
- Treating Source
- Treble Damages
- Trial
- Trial Work Period
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Term of the Day
Medical evidence
Medical evidence is information gathered by the SSA from a claimant\'s treating sources.Category: Disability