Legal terms starting with S
- Salary
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Saturation Patrols
- Schedule
- Schedules
- Sealed Adoption Records
- Search and Consent Procedures
- Search warrant
- Second Generation American
- Secured Creditor
- Secured Debt
- Sedentary Work
- Self Employment Contributions Act
- Semi-Open Adoption
- Semi-Skilled Work
- Sending Country
- Separate Property
- Separation
- Separation Agreement
- Sequential Evaluation Process
- Service Contract Act
- Service Mark
- Settlement Agreement
- Sexual harassment
- Simplified Employee Pension SEP
- Single
- Slander
- Slip and Fall
- Small Business Bankruptcy
- Sobriety Checkpoints
- Social Capital
- Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
- Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI
- Sole Legal Custody
- Spousal Support
- SR-22 Certificate of Insurance
- SSA Redbook
- Standard Deduction
- Standard of Care
- Statement of Intention
- Statement of Use
- Statute of Limitations
- Statutory Damages
- Stipulation
- Strict liability
- Subpoena
- Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)
- Sue
- Supplemental Register
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Supplemental Unemployment Benefits and Employment Law
- Supported Employment
- Surgeon
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Term of the Day
Medical evidence
Medical evidence is information gathered by the SSA from a claimant\'s treating sources.Category: Disability