Child Abuse law

Approximately 900,000 children are victims of some form of child abuse each year resulting in 1,500 deaths. 79% of those children who died as a result of child abuse were under the age of four.

Child abuse encompasses a wide range of maltreatment including:

  • physical abuse
  • neglect
  • sexual abuse
  • emotional abuse
  • other forms of abuse

Cycle of Child Abuse

Children who are abused as children are statistically at risk for other downward spirals. 79% are likely to abuse their own children. They're also 30% more likely to commit a violent crime. 80% of abused children have psychological disorders, including clinical depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

You don't have to be part of the cycle. There is treatment and help for victims of child abuse.

Child abuse can happen to anyone in any country or any economic and social level. If someone in your family is or has been a victim of child abuse, there are steps you can take. A family law attorney can advise you on a protective or restraining order. A local family lawyer knows your state-specific criteria for investigation into possible termination of parental rights.

You shouldn't face an abusive situation alone. There is legal help. Contact a family law attorney near you today.

Child Neglect

While less physically damaging than child abuse, child neglect can nonetheless cause psychological damage to the child.

Family Law Term of the Day

Abandonment of a child

Leaving a child and disregarding their health, well-being, and safety is considered abandonment.

Category: Family Law

Latest Family Law Question

How do I give my sister power of attorney over my son?
A Power of Attorney can allow another person to make decisions for your child for a limited period of time.

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