Driving Under the Influence
Have you been arrested for DUI? DUI and DWI are criminal offenses in every state. While there may be minor differences in definitions between driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), these are serious situations could have lasting consequences on your life and your ability to drive.
DUI is generally indicated by:
- Driver’s impaired ability to safely operate a vehicle because of the effects of alcohol, illegal substances, and medications including: prescription drugs like painkillers, and over-the-counter drugs like cold and flu medications.
- Driver’s intoxication is measured through tests, like blood-alcohol concentrations, above established legal levels. Most states have a standard level for intoxication of a .08 - .10% blood-alcohol concentration.
Because of these state-by-state differences, it's possible to be illegally operating a vehicle without feeling the effects of intoxication. Law enforcement officers use more than a single method for determining impairment in order to deal with these fluctuations.
- Observation - you may be pulled over for driving erratically. Though there may be other reasons for swerving, speeding, driving too slowly, or failing to stop at a sign or signal, this may be enough for the officer to pull you over and seek other signs of impairment.
- Sobriety Tests - you may be asked to leave your vehicle and perform balance and speech tests while the officer checks for other physical symptoms of intoxications.
- Blood-Alcohol Tests - blood-alcohol tests can be determined from not only a blood test, but through mathematical analysis of breath and urine samples.
If you are facing DUI Charges , there are qualified dui attorneys near you who can answer your questions and help you through your DUI difficulties.
DUI Term of the Day
Minimum drinking age
In this act the U.S. Government required all states to raise their minimum age for the purchase and public possession of alcohol to 21 years of age.Category: DUI and DWI
Latest DUI Question
Can I be a Police Officer and have a DUI?
Understanding if you can be a Police Officer and also have a DUI.Category: DUI and DWI
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