Criminal Defense Attorneys
The US Criminal Code is the set of laws defining the punishment for crimes committed in the United States.
After a crime has been committed and an accusation is filed, if there is probable cause then a formal charge or indictment may be filed in court. A grand jury will review the case to determine if it should be brought to trial. If the case is brought to trial and the defendant is found guilty, the case will move to the punishment or sentencing phase of the criminal trial.
There are several goals of a criminal prosecution including: punishing the criminal, deterring the criminal from committing additional crimes, compensating the victim, and keeping other individuals from committing crimes. There are a wide variety of crimes committed in the United States each year.
For each criminal case there are a wide variety of criminal defenses the defendant may claim in order to have the case dismissed, be found innocent (acquitted) of the charges, or to have the sentence reduced.
Criminal Law Term of the Day
Probation is often granted in lieu of a prison sentence, allowing the accused to remain in the community at large.
Category: Criminal Law
Question of the Day
Convicted of a crime how will my sentence be decided?
Judge's make sentencing decisions based on a variety of factors.Category: Criminal Law
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